Theatre Design

Theatre Design transforms your ideas into architectural and design projects proposing as a general contractor for a complete design and for Turnkey construction.

Our philosophy is attributable to Walter Gropius’s citation “From traspoons up to the city” which one the famous architect was explaining that is important knowing design in all of the scales. 

In this way one would have become aware of creations, understanding the needs of the client with a special attention to the architectural concept in which the project has been insert.

 Theater Design was born from the thirty-year experience of Design Marcone through the building of architectural projects, design projects and interior decoration and Luca Massara who has experience in client service, both institutional and private, providing integrated real estate services, including sales, property acquisition and
development projects.

 The company is made of professionals in the sector with a team of architects and engineers under the management of Ing. Canzoniero and Arch. Marcone who collaborate in the realization of the projects in all its steps.

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